Time to sign!
We expect to get our packets back from the City Clerk the morning of Tuesday, November 29 - so it is time to sign! Drop by our event at Avogadro’s Number between 1PM and 8PM on Nov. 29th to get equipped to gather signatures!
We need your help now more than ever! We need volunteers like YOU from our communities and neighborhoods to collect signatures. We’re humbly asking you to collect signatures within YOUR OWN network of friends, family, and neighbors. Neighborhood parks are GREAT places to collect signatures! And, every single signature counts toward our goal of 8,000.
Our signature collecting period begins November 29, 2022 and ends December 19, 2022, when packets are due to be turned in to the City Clerk’s office. So time is of the essence!
Please request a petition packet today to collect signatures from YOUR network of neighbors, friends, and family.
Thank you Fort Collins,
The Preserve Fort Collins Organizing Team