We had 48 people speak to City Council last night (12/19/2023) asking Councilmembers to refer the Land Use Code (LUC) to the ballot so that Fort Collins voters could finally have their say on the increasingly divisive and unpopular issue. The majority of City Council did not do that, sadly. Instead, Council repealed the controversial LUC themselves in a vote of 3 to 2 (two absences), rather than send the issue to the voters. City Council will likely take up the contentious LUC again in early 2024.
It is not clear exactly what City Council and City Staff will do in the future regarding modifications to the now TWICE-REPEALED controversial Land Use Code. But, you can be sure that we will keep you updated and informed, we will continue to seek legal counsel, and we will hold City Council accountable.
Thank you again, Fort Collins, for signing the citizen-driven petition and for your unwavering support.
Together, we can continue to Preserve Fort Collins for All.